2018-June: So many things to get right in HDR Cinema, and so little motivation. Who will take the necessary steps? Presented at the 2018 QLED and Advanced Display Summit in Hollywood.
Next Generation Cinema: On the Way to HDR
2017-April: The introduction of HDR Cinema will have its share of roadbumps along the way. Presented at the Beijing International Film Festival Technology Forum.
2017-April: A recap of the Virtual Print Fee (VPF) equipment subsidy that financed the transition to digital cinema. Presentation prepared for a group of auditors.
Considerations For In-Home Movie Rental
2016-June: Proposals such as Screening Room have been floated for in-home rental of movies during the theatrical release window. These slides discuss the evaluation and construction of an in-home movie rental model.
Popular Articles
Digital Cinema at 20: Remembering Digital Projection at ShoWest 1999
2019-August in Cinema Technology Magazine: There at the very dawn of digital projection, Michael Karagosian recalls his firsthand experience from the booth of a 1999 demo of the rival digital technologies that pitted the new order against the old.
2019-June in mkpeReport: When selling equipment whose primary feature is security, the greatest asset a company can have is the trust of those who rely on its products. A security breach that involves equipment from GDC Technology is evaluated. At stake is the secrecy of the RSA private key of the media block.
2019-January in digiDaybook: It may not be obvious how to penetrate the cinema market if new to the industry. One thing is certain: the rollout of cinema HDR, whenever it takes place, will look nothing like the digital cinema rollout.
2019-January in Digital Cinema Report: DCI's latest proposed HDR/direct view LED specifications are a big improvement over the original. But if HDR is to be the format of the future, DCI has further to go. At some point, the industry will decide if DCI is its future or its past.
2018-September in Digital Cinema Report: Texas Instruments proposed and shaped its DLP technology to enable the digital distribution of motion pictures. DCI was formed to embrace the technology and drive it into the marketplace. Now DCI is taking a different path: blocking the research and development of Samsung that would enable the introduction of HDR to cinema, with Sony as a voting member.
2015-March in Digital Cinema Report: There are two kinds of DCPs in the world: Good DCP and Bad DCP. The name we give Good DCP is SMPTE DCP. The name we give Bad DCP is Interop DCP. It's time to give Bad DCP the respect it deserves, and formalize it.
Update on Digital Cinema Support for Those with Disabilities
2013-April: A summary of the technology behind closed captions and accessibility audio in digital cinema.
2007-October: An overview of the three different add-on technologies for 3-D exhibition.
Media Salles Cinema Update 2016
Michael Karagosian presents why technology equivalency will be the new norm for cinema and home, and why this may, or may not, be a big deal. Created for Media Salles DigiTraining Plus, in Taormina, Sicily, June 2016.
The Future of Cinema
Learn from the experts as they discuss the Future of Cinema at the SMPTE/NAB Technology Summit on Cinema, held in April 2014. Organized and moderated by Michael Karagosian.
Internet Theft of Hollywood Content
Richard Atkinson, Michael Karagosian, Patrick Gregston and Pamela Allison team up to discuss the negative economic impact of internet theft on Hollywood's business model. Held at the Entertainment Content Protection Summit, Woodbury University, in November 2010.

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